Building Rental

The Port Angeles Community Playhouse is owned and operated by the Port Angeles Community Players (PACP), an all-volunteer organization. The building and its contents are carefully maintained, but are aging and worn. PACP rents the property subject to strict limitations: protection of the theater and materials, understanding of the priority of PACP operations, and written agreement to policies and rental terms. These are imperative considerations for the safety and liability of all involved.

Rental Agreement Form

This form can be printed and completed as application for renting the Port Angeles Community Playhouse. Please read the Building Rental Policy below for detailed information and requirements.

Port Angeles Community Players Building Rental Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide the Board of Directors guidance in any decision to make the playhouse available to any person(s) or group other than the Port Angeles Community Players (PACP). The Board of Directors understands the value of making the playhouse available as a performing arts venue in our community and of the resulting publicity in bringing more members of our community into the playhouse.APPROVAL
The Board of Directors must approve any use of the Port Angeles Community Playhouse by any outside person(s) or group. Before approving any outside use, the board shall consider the following:

Any effect on Playhouse productions in performance or rehearsal.

The nature of the program proposed for the use. Preference shall be given to those uses which are educational and entertaining in nature.

Insurance Requirements

  • The ability of the user to provide the PACP with a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the PACP, its members, its Board of Directors, officers, volunteers, and staff as an additional insured.
  • The Certificate of Liability must have a limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and a fire legal liability limit of at least $300,000.
  • The advisability of waiving this insurance requirement.
  • The ability of the Playhouse to meet any technical production requirements for the proposed use.
  • The ability of the PACP to provide the necessary personnel for the safe use of the playhouse.Adult supervision needed if proposed use involves students/children.Requiring liquor liability coverage if the renter intends to provide any kind of alcoholic beverage in any form.The extent to which the proposed use could affect the 50-day annual limit on Playhouse use for tax-exempt purposes.

Personnel Requirements

The Board of Directors, as part of any agreement to make the playhouse available to any person(s) or outside group, must determine how many members are needed onsite for the proposed use. The duties members may need to perform include the following.

  • Someone to unlock and lock the building and open the parking lot gates.
  • Someone to serve as a front-of-house House Manager.
  • Someone to serve as a back-of-house Stage Manager and/or Greenroom Attendant.
  • Someone to operate lights and sound.

The Board of Directors must also determine how many people the renter needs to provide to serve as ticket takers and as ushers-both outside the auditorium and inside the auditorium as catchers.

Rental Rates

The Board of Directors shall determine what fee(s) shall be charged to any person(s) or group proposing to use the playhouse.

Safety Requirements

The Board of Directors must require that any rental agreement for the use of the playhouse clearly state that playhouse personnel have the final say on any safety issues for performers or for the audience.

Written Rental Agreement Requirement

Attached to this policy is a rental agreement form which must be completed by any person(s) or group that plans on using the playhouse. This agreement must be completely filled out as a condition of rental and presented to the PACP prior to any use of the building.

The Board of Directors shall maintain a file of all rental agreements.

The Board of Directors shall post in a prominent place back stage any current rental agreement.