How We Spent Our Summer Vacation “How We Spent Our Summer Vacation”This summer, shortly after wrapping up our hugely successful Children’s Theatre sci-fi comedy epic, “Catch the Waves”, a busy crew of volunteers met together to empty out the ENTIRE Set Shop. Through a very generous donation of a large U Haul truck from Affordable...
Category: News
A Note from PACP President
Drama-Rama last summer was a big hit with the actors, their partents and the audience. These young thespians gave us all a good time. From their workshop creativity to the final production, enthusiasm and daring, it was the highlight of the summer at PACP. Oogie Boogie Wonderland Port Angeles...
PA Players: Not Singing in the Rain
It unfolded like the plot of a play at the Port Angeles Community Playhouse. Just as the props, costumes, and set were being put away after the Port Angeles Community Players’ Second Stage production of The Laramie Project, the rains came. It wasn’t the teeming rain outside that they noticed, but rather the telltale sound...
Next Production! Barefoot in the Park, A Classic
Directed by Barbara Frederick Paul and Corie are newlyweds in every sense of the word. After a six-day honeymoon, they get a surprise visit from Corie’s loopy mother and decide to play matchmaker during a dinner with their neighbor-in-the-attic, Velasco, where everything that can go wrong, does… Based on Neil Simon’s 1963 play, stuff-shirt Paul...
2016-2017 Season
I Hate Hamlet by Paul Rudnick Directed by Barb Frederick September 23 — October 7, 2016 The Odd Couple (Female Version) by Neil Simon Directed by Dmitri Gerasimenko Nov 29, 2016 – Dec 11, 2016 The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – YouTHeater Directed by Barb Frederick Dec 16, 2016 The Haunting of Hill House by...